- mounting and repair of chemical-technological equipment from high-quality carbon, corrosion-resistant and clad steels;
- mounting of technological pipelines;
- assembly and repair of conveyor vehicles;
- mounting and repair of capacitive equipment;
- mounting and repair of hoisting mechanisms;
- insulation of equipment and pipelines;
- manufacture, mounting and anticorrosive protection of metal structures;
- erection of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
- arrangement of internal water supply and sewage networks;
- device of internal heat supply networks;
- installation of heat points and boiler rooms;
- installation of wooden structures;
- installation of stone and reinforced stone structures;
- installation of structures made of polymer composite materials;
- installation of insulation coating;
- roofing;
- installation of thermal insulation systems and building facades;
- flooring;
- finishing work;
- installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
- installation of refrigeration systems;
- arrangement of foundations, basements of buildings and structures;
- preparatory work;
- excavation.
- аренда строительной техники
- Мини-экскаватор Bobcat E14 со штатным оборудованием (дооснащается гидромолотом);
- Погрузчик ДМЭ-1000 с прицепом;
- Грузовой автомобиль ГАЗ А21R32 «Белава-1302»;
- Погрузчик универсальный АМКОДОР-211 (дооснащается гидромолотом);
- Самоходный подъемник коленчатого типа Genie Z45-25RT;
- Кран козловой ККС-10 г/п 10 тонн с площадкой для складирования материалов.
«Salihorskspetsmontazh» LCC has all the necessary permits for all these works, and can also act as a general contractor and customer.
- license for mounting and repair of equipment at sites subordinated to the State Inspection of the Republic of Belarus
- certificates of conformity in all areas of construction and mounting works
- certificates of conformity for construction and mounting works
- certificate of technical competence
- certificates of conformity for the functions of general contractor and customer
The safety and quality management systems of «Salihorskspetsmontazh» LLC are certified for compliance with the requirements.
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