02/27/2018 LLC “Salihorskspetsmontazh” acquired: a one-story block building of a feed mill for overhaul with inventory number 644 / S-47408 (S-947.3m2), a one-story block building of a feed mill for overhaul with inventory number 644 / S-47407 (S-1029.4m2 ), located at: the Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Salihorsky district, village of Zabrodsky. Information about the land plot: cadastral number 625000000012002248, category - lands of industry, transport, communications, energy, defense and other purposes (state registration date: November 17, 2010). Purpose: Land for the construction and maintenance of an industrial building with office buildings and auxiliary buildings and structures.
Sales documents
Extract No. 80552419 from the registration book
Overhaul Documents